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Time left until fundraising deadline. We're only $5,625 away from our goal. Thanks to a grant, the next $5,000 of every dollar donated will have its impact DOUBLED till midnight.

In less than 6 hours, we will be approaching a major end-of-quarter fundraising reporting deadline, and I could use your support.

At midnight, I have to make this important campaign fundraising report, and the numbers I report will tell our campaign what resources we will have to build a campaign over these next couple months that wins in November. 

As a successful small business owner and community developer, I know that it takes a combined investment of financial resources and hard work to get a job done right.

As of 6pm today, we're still $5,625 away from our important fundraising goal. Will you help us meet this goal by midnight tonight and ensure I have the financial tools to #WinForNC by clicking here to make a donation before the clock runs out?

Thanks to a generous donor and their $5,000 matching grant, the impact of every dollar donated can be DOUBLED by midnight tonight.


Your Friend,

Winslow for NC House

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